
unusual facts about Travel website

Travel website

A rate aggregator for hotel rates with a very high level of cooperation is Roomkey.com, which was actually founded by the hotel chains Choice Hotels, Hilton Worldwide, Hyatt, Intercontinental, Wyndham and Marriott.


VirtualTourist (often written VT) is one of a number of travel websites on the Web, which include websites like TripAdvisor (VT's parent company) and Cruise Critic (a sister company to VT).

see also

Global Hotel Review

In addition to serving major markets such as the English, French and Chinese speaking travel markets, it is worth noting that Global Hotel Review is the only travel website of its kind to serve traditionally underserved markets such as the Arabic, Hindi, Malaysian and Ukrainian speaking markets among others.

Magic Mountain, Merimbula

In 2013 Magic Mountain was voted 9th in travel website TripAdvisor's Traveller's Choice awards for the top 10 amusement and water parks in the South Pacific region.

Visitor center

Iperú, Tourist Information and Assistance has a nationwide network represented online by the Peru.travel website, the 24/7 line (51 1) 5748000, and 31 local offices in 13 regions in all over Peru: Lima-Callao, Amazonas, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, Ancash, Arequipa, Tacna, Puno, Ayacucho, Cusco, Tumbes and Iquitos.


In March 2012, Yatra.com announced Bollywood actor Salman Khan not just as the brand ambassador for the travel website but also as a shareholder.