The Marathas ceded parts of Bundelkhand, which were later called later British Bundelkhand, to the British in the 1802 Treaty of Bassein.
The state was founded in 1549 and it came under British control, with other territories in Bundelkhand, by the Treaty of Bassein.
When the British became paramount after the Treaty of Bassein (1820), Nagod was held to be a tributary to Panna and was included in the sanad granted to that state in 1807.
He fled to British protection, and in December the same year concluded the Treaty of Bassein with the British East India Company, ceding territory for the maintenance of a subsidiary force and agreeing to treaty with no other power.
Treaty of Versailles | Treaty of Trianon | Treaty of Utrecht | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle | Treaty of Berlin (1878) | Treaty of Rome | Treaty of Lisbon | Treaty of Campo Formio | Treaty of Berlin | Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) | Maastricht Treaty | Treaty of the Pyrenees | Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919) | Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo | Penn Treaty Park | Lateran Treaty | Washington Naval Treaty | Treaty of San Stefano | Treaty of Roskilde | Treaty of Nice | Treaty of Frankfurt | Treaty of Brest-Litovsk | Treaty of Bassein | Treaty of Basel | Patent Cooperation Treaty | Treaty of Waitangi | Treaty of Schönbrunn | Treaty of Ryswick | Treaty of Punakha | Treaty of Madrid |