The Treaty of Roskilde resulted in the ceding of the Norwegian provinces of Båhuslen and Trondhjems len to Sweden.
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He was noted for fighting from 1644 to 1645 in the Torstenson War that was ended by the Treaty of Brömsebro, from 1657 to 1658 in the Dano-Swedish War that was ended by the Treaty of Roskilde and from 1658 to 1660 in the Dano-Swedish War that was ended by the Treaty of Copenhagen.
Eventually, under the Treaty of Copenhagen on May 27, 1660, Sweden kept the three formerly Danish Scanian provinces and the formerly Norwegian Bohuslän province, which Denmark-Norway had surrendered by the Treaty of Roskilde two years previously; but Sweden had to relinquish the Norwegian province of Trøndelag and the Danish island of Bornholm, which had been surrendered at Roskilde.