In the early 1990s, comic book professionals Trina Robbins, Heidi MacDonald, Deni Loubert, Anina Bennett, and Jackie Estrada banded together to share frustrations, information and aspirations for females in the male-dominated comics industry, and held the very first "Friends of Lulu" meetings at a comics convention.
Co-founder Trina Robbins recalls that a Cherry Poptart lookalike contest sponsored by Comic-Con International was the "last straw" that inspired the creation of the organization.
The sparse, alternate-tuning laden sound of later records comes to the forefront on "Ladies of the Canyon" (one of those "ladies" supposedly being female underground comix pioneer Trina Robbins).
Marty Robbins | Tim Robbins | Tom Robbins | Royal Robbins | Trina Robbins | Tony Robbins | Thomas Robbins | Baskin-Robbins | Thomas Robbins (sociologist) | J. Robbins | Harold Robbins | Todd Robbins | Ted Robbins | Pete Robbins | Al Robbins | Wendy Robbins | Warren M. Robbins | Trina Gulliver | Michael Robbins | Glenn Robbins | Trina Parks | Tom Robbins' | Sally Robbins | H. C. Robbins Landon | Chandler Robbins | William Robbins (Western settler) | William M. Robbins | Trina Shoemaker | Trina Paulus | Trina Medina |
Edited by Denis Kitchen, Comix Book featured work by such underground luminaries as Justin Green, Kim Deitch, Trina Robbins, Art Spiegelman, and S. Clay Wilson.
Many well-known artists and other members of the comic industry have worked with the various Graphic Universe titles, including Dan Jolley, Thomas Yeates, John McCrea, Trina Robbins, Alitha Martinez, Bannister, Craig Hamilton, Ron Fontes, Steve Kurth, Paul Storrie, Jeff Limke, and Ron Randall.