In 2008, Banachek toured as part of the stage show Hoodwinked with Bob Arno, Todd Robbins and Richard Turner.
In 2008 he toured as part of a stage show called Hoodwinked with Banachek, Todd Robbins and Richard Turner.
After earning a degree in theatre arts he went to the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco.
Todd Rundgren | Sweeney Todd | Marty Robbins | Tim Robbins | Tom Robbins | Todd Snider | Todd Haynes | Todd McFarlane | Todd Haley | Royal Robbins | Christine Todd Whitman | Trina Robbins | Tony Robbins | Thomas Robbins | Baskin-Robbins | Todd Helton | Todd Bridges | Todd Akin | Thomas Robbins (sociologist) | Colin Todd | Todd Martin | Todd Brunson | J. Robbins | Harold Robbins | Todd Solondz | Todd-AO | Mike Todd | Todd Walker | Todd Tobias | Todd Swift |
Early in his career, Saldan traveled the USA to study professional stage magic with celebrity experts in the field, such as Johnny Thompson, Rocco Silano, Jeff McBride, Mio Rodriguez, Martin Lewis, Haruo Shimada, Marc DeSouza, and Todd Robbins.