
2 unusual facts about Tristram's jird

Tristram's jird

It has also been recorded from the Greek island of Kos, although it has not been seen there for more than a decade.

Records from the Greek island of Kos represent the only gerbils reported from Europe, outside the former Soviet Union.

Diablo III

The protagonist arrives in the town of New Tristram to investigate the falling star which struck the cathedral, which is now emanating risen dead; the same cathedral that was the setting of Diablo.

French Frigate Shoals

18 species of seabird, the Black-footed Albatross, Laysan Albatross, Bonin Petrel, Bulwer's Petrel, Wedge-tailed Shearwater, Christmas Shearwater, Tristram's Storm-petrel, Red-tailed Tropicbird, Masked Booby, Red-footed Booby, Brown Booby, Great Frigatebird, Spectacled Tern, Sooty Tern, Blue-gray Noddy, Brown Noddy, Black Noddy and White Tern nest on the islands, most of them (16) on Tern Island.

J. Comyns Carr

Carr's Tristram and Iseult (1906), a pseudo-medieval drama, was produced at the Adelphi Theatre starring Matheson Lang, Lily Brayton and Oscar Asche.

J. W. Tristram

Born at Gillingham, Kent, England, Tristram was the first of eight children to his parents Samuel Herbert Tristram and Hannah Thompson.

Aside from his painting, Tristram was known as a contributor of poetry to publications such as The Bulletin and The Lone Hand as well as being a talented musician.

Jesse James Rides Again

Dale Van Sickel as Frank Lawton/James Clark (doubling Roy Barcroft & Tristram Coffin)

Leadenhall Press

In addition to Joseph Crawhall, other artists who illustrated Leadenhall Press books included Randolph Caldecott, Georgie Gaskin, Tristram Ellis, William Luker Jr., and Punch cartoonists Phil May, Charles Keene and Linley Sambourne.

Marcus Beresford, 7th Baron Decies

Marcus Hugh Tristram de la Poer Beresford, 7th Baron Decies (born 5 August 1948) is an Anglo-Irish hereditary peer.


"It has a fine hard wood", says Tristram, "and yields an inferior oil, but it has no relationship to the olive, which, however, it resembles in general appearance".

T.F.C. Huddleston

Tristram Frederick Croft Huddleston (Jan. 23, 1848 - 1936-02-26) was a British classicist at King's College, Cambridge.

Tristram Woodhouse

Tristram recently retired from first grade hockey at UWA Hockey Club, playing 267 First Grade match for The University of Western Australia Hockey Club and scored 302 goals in his career.

see also