
unusual facts about True color

True color

Color of water (true color), a scale used to determine the color of water after all suspended material has been filtered out.


In digital images/pictures, 32-bit usually refers to RGBA color space -- 24-bit truecolor images with an 8-bit alpha channel—i.e., 8 bits each for red, green, blue, and transparency; a total of 32 bits per pixel.

BBC Domesday Project

The project had begun years before JPEG image compression and before truecolour computer video cards had become widely available.

NASCAR Racing 4

Namely was the introduction of full 24k color, as the previous games had only allowed 256, vastly improved car models and environments and, for the first time, the ability of the car to rotate in three dimensions (i.e. the ability of the car to get airborne and flip).

see also