
7 unusual facts about Tsuga

Echo Bridge

There are still old mill buildings in view from the bridge, but most of the gorge remains naturally overgrown with hemlocks.

International Forest Products

The Company also specializes in products manufactured from Douglas Fir and Hemlock used for millwork, doors, windows, treated products, Japanese house components and bridge timbers.

Peter Herdic

Peter Herdic moved to Williamsport in 1853, which was then a small village of 1,700 people surrounded by vast stands of virgin hemlock, white pine and various hardwoods.


In 1931, Rainier Pulp and Paper began working with the Du Pont chemical company to produce hemlock pulp for the manufacture of rayon.

Tre Arrow

In October 2001, he suffered a broken pelvis, broken ribs and a concussion when he fell 60 feet from a hemlock tree where he had perched to protest a logging sale in Tillamook County.


The common name hemlock is derived from a perceived similarity in the smell of its crushed foliage to that of the unrelated plant poison hemlock.

Old trees are commonly attacked by various fungal disease and decay species, notably Heterobasidion annosum and Armillaria species, which rot the heartwood and eventually leave the tree liable to windthrow, and Rhizina undulata, which may kill groups of trees following minor grass fires that activate growth of the Rhizina spores.

Amanita smithiana

Amanita smithiana, also known as Smith's amanita, is a species of agaric found on soil in coniferous (Abies, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga) and broadleaved (Alnus, Quercus) woodland in the Pacific Northwest of North America.

Ganoderma tsugae

In contrast to Ganoderma lucidum, to which it is closely related and which it closely resembles, G. tsugae tends to grow on conifers, especially hemlocks.

Nematocampa resistaria

Larvae feed on various deciduous and coniferous trees and shrubs, including Pseudotsuga, Tsuga, Abies, Picea, Salix, Betula papyrifera, Corylus, Fragaria and carrot Daucus.

Shorewood-Tower Hills-Harbert, Michigan

Besides the beachfront, its other features are its mesophytic forest with four co-dominant species, including both northern hemlock and southern tulip trees, an ample population of trillium seen in spring, and Deer Creek which winds its way through a common ravine area out to the lake.

Von Gimborn Arboretum

It holds national plant collections of conifers (particularly Tsuga), Ericaceae (and Rhododendron in particular), Aceraceae, Betulaceae, Euonymus, Fraxinus, Laburnum, Magnolia and Syringa.

see also