
3 unusual facts about Tswana people

Balopi Commission

The Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Sections 77, 78 and 79 of the Constitution of Botswana, also known as the Balopi Commission after the chairman of the commission Patrick Balopi, is a Botswana commission of inquiry set up on 28 July 2000 in response to perceived tribal inequality between the dominant Batswana and the smaller minority tribes such as the Wayeyi.

Crucible of Gold

The Portuguese colony of Brazil is besieged by forces allied to Napoleon Bonaparte, but not belonging to him: the emperor of France has found common cause with the Tswana, now undisputed masters of the African continent.

Tswana people

Three brothers, Kwena, Ngwaketse and Ngwato, broke away from their father, Chief Molope, to establish their own tribes in Molepolole, Kanye and Serowe, probably in response to drought and expanding populations in search of pasture and arable land.

Balete people

The Balete people, traditionally called the Bamalete, or baMalete, are a Southern African Tswana people of Nguni descent.

see also