
3 unusual facts about Tu'pest

Alkoholen delirium

The album was released on audio cassette only and was never re-released on a CD though some tracks has been included in the band's Tu'pest compilation in 2000.

Nadurveni vuglishta

Some of the tracks were included in the band's CD compilation Tu'pest in 1999.

Nek'af uzhas, nek'af at

Nek'uf ujas, nek'uf at was released on audio cassettes only and was never re-released on a CD though some tracks were included in the band's greatest hits compilation Tu'pest in 1999 and its sequel Tu'pest 2 in 2009.

Aleksandar Popović Sandor

Aleksandar Popović tutored other students and won scholarships to complete his basic education in Pest.

Anthonomus phyllocola

Anthonomus phyllocola is a weevil and a major pest of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in Scandinavia.

Arnold Ipolyi

In 1863 he was made canon of Eger, and in 1869 director of the Central Ecclesiastical Seminary at Pest; in 1871 he became Bishop of Banská Bystrica, and Bishop of Oradea where he died on 2 December later that same year.

Arotrophora arcuatalis

Arotrophora arcuatalis, commonly known as Banksia Boring Moth or rarely Banksia Moth, is a species of Australian tortrid moth best known as a pest of Banksia.

Béla IV of Hungary

As he also wanted to strengthen the position of the towns, he confirmed the charter of Székesfehérvár and granted new privileges to several key towns in the kingdom (Pest, Nagyszombat (Trnava), Selmecbánya (Banská Štiavnica), Korpona (Krupina), Zólyom (Zvolen), Bars (Starý Tekov), and Esztergom).

Carabus nemoralis

Carabus nemoralis is a beneficial predator as it eats the agricultural pest Deroceras reticulatum/gray garden/milky slug, in its young stage and also its eggs.

Cephus cinctus

It is known as a chronic pest in Northern Great Plains of the USA and also an important pest of wheat in the Canadian Prairies.

Chrysopogon aciculatus

Common names include amorseco (Spanish, "dry love") (not to be confused with the amor seco tree, Alchornea glandulosa), lesser spear grass, Mackie's pest, pilipiliula, and grama-amorosa (Brazilian Portuguese).

Count Franz Philipp von Lamberg

But before his arrival in Pest, Kossuth had incited the legislature to forbid his taking office as palatine of Hungary, and the army was instructed not to obey him.

Crematogaster scutellaris

These ants are natural predators of Thaumetopoea pityocampa, a moth that is a devastating pest of Mediterranean pines (especially Pinus halepensis).

Culladia cuneiferellus

The larvae feed on various grasses, including Cynodon dactylon and are considered a pest on lawns and pastures.

Cycas revoluta

Aulacaspis yasumatsui is a scale insect and a pest towards C. revoluta, able to destroy the plant.

Diaphania nitidalis

The pickleworm (Diaphania nitidalis) is a serious agricultural pest insect in the Crambidae family.

Elmira Pet Products

American Institute of Baking (AIB) performs annual audits, focusing on food safety programs, pest control, operational methods, personnel practices, maintenance and cleaning practices.

Etiella behrii

The larvae are considered an agricultural pest on Arachis hypogaea, Chamaecytisus prolifer, Lupinus nanus, Medicago sativa, Pisum sativum and Glycine species.

Federal Plant Pest Act of 1957

The Federal Plant Pest Act of 1957 (P.L. 85-36) prohibited the movement of pests from a foreign country into or through the United States unless authorized by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Francisco Hernández de Toledo

Hernandez described the gruesome symptoms of the epidemic (referred to as cocoliztli, Nahuatl for "pest") with clinical accuracy.

Franjo Kuhač

After becoming a teacher, Kuhač went to study music in Pest, Hungary.

Genetic engineering in the United States

These were plants where the genetic material originated in sexually compatible plants (cisgenic), plants that used physical barriers to prevent the target pest from attaching itself, and plants expressing viral coat proteins to protect against virus infection.

Giovanni Punto

They premièred the work on 18 April 1800 at the Burgtheater and the following month the pair played the work again in Pest, Hungary (it was here that the critic commented "who is this Beethoven?...").

Gould's Petrel

Gould's Petrels were brought back from the edge of extinction by pest eradication programs on Cabbage Tree Island and a translocation program which established a second population on nearby Boondelbah Island.

Hardys Bay, New South Wales

Miners had agreed to revegetate the area which they did with the noxious pest bitou bush (Chrysanthemoides monilifera), which the various land care groups are now trying to eradicate.

Hemlock woolly adelgid

According to Science Daily, the pest could kill most of the region's hemlock trees within the next decade.

Hylastes ater

It prefers pines, and is a widespread pest of wild and cultivated Monterey pines (Pinus radiata) in particular.

Invasive species of Australian origin

The Australian magpie was introduced into New Zealand and are considered to be a pest because of attacks on humans and a possible effect on the native bird population.

Izabella Kuliffay

She was born in Pest, and studied music at the National Conservatory in Budapest from 1877-9, and the Budapest Academy of Music from 1879–83, with teachers including Kornel Abranyi and Gyula Erkel.

János Garay

He returned to Pest in 1839, when he was elected a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


The series has received good reviews from Télérama TV 2 Weeks and Télérama considering it "hilarious" and TV two weeks as "a fast-paced cartoon and humor pest, which accomplishes the feat to entertain young and old".

King-Cat Comics

La Mano, Zak Sally's publishing venture, released Porcellino's Diary of a Mosquito Abatement Man in 2005, collecting various King-Cat stories about Porcellino's experiences as a pest control worker.

Leek moth

The leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) is a species of moths of family Acrolepiidae, genus Acrolepiopsis, a pest of leek crops.

Lesser bandicoot rat

They can be up to 40 cm long (including the tail), are considered a pest in the cereal crops and gardens of India and Sri Lanka, and emit piglike grunts when attacking.

Lissopimpla excelsa

One species it preys upon is the noctuid moth pest species Helicoverpa armigera.

Merophyas divulsana

The larvae are considered a pest on various crops and herbaceous garden plants, including Medicago sativa, Daucus carota, Lactuca sativa, Lonicera japonica, Sclerolaena muricata, Pelargonium x zonale, Mentha spicata and Rumex species.

Mihailo Vitković

Mihailo Vitković (Eger, 25 August 1778-Pest, 9 September 1829) was a Serbian and Hungarian poet, translator and lawyer.

Pest house

Partridge Island, New Brunswick, just outside the main harbour of Saint John, was chosen as the location for a pest house and quarantine station as far back as 1785.

Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire

Provisional governments in Venice and Milan quickly expressed desire to be part of a united Italian state, a new Hungarian government in Pest announced its intentions to break away from the Empire and elect Ferdinand its King, and a Polish National Committee announced the same for the province of Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria.


A common pest of Rollinia are Arsenura armida, who like to gather in large masses during the day on the trunk of the tree.

Ronnie del Carmen

He did Batman Adventures Holiday Special with Bruce Timm, Paul Dini and others, garnering an Eisner Award Best Single Issue in 1995; Batman Black and White Volume Two for DC in 2002; Dark Horse's Aliens Mondo Pest series.

Ruralia Hungarica

This was Dohnányi's contribution to the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the city of Budapest from a merger of Buda and Pest.

Sava Mrkalj

It was in 1805 in Pest that he began to devote himself to philological researches, inspired by the works of German philologist Johann Christoph Adelung and others who were working on language reforms.

Sceliodes cordalis

The larvae are considered an agricultural pest on several Solanaceae species, such as Lycopersicum esculentum, Physalis edulis, Solanum aviculare, Solanum melongena and Datura species.

Seaford, Victoria

Three types of fish can also be found in the wetlands: Common Galaxia, Short-finned Eels and Mosquitofish (an exotic pest species).

Sesamia grisescens

The larvae are a pest on Saccharum officinarum, although they also feed on other plants, including Saccharum robustum, Saccharum spontaneum, Saccharum edule, Pennisetum purpureum and Panicum maximum.

Stefan Stefanović

Stefan Stefanović (Serbian Cyrillic: Стефан Стефановић), (1807–1828) was a Serbian playwright who lived and worked in Novi Sad and Pest.


Valkó may also refer to a village and commune in the comitatus of Pest in Hungary.

Weedy rice

Weedy rice, also known as red rice, is a species of rice (Oryza) that produces far fewer grains per plant than cultivated rice and is therefore considered a pest.

see also