
4 unusual facts about Turnip Moth


Apium species, including garden celery, are eaten by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Angle Shades, Common Swift, Hypercompe icasia, The Nutmeg, Setaceous Hebrew Character and Turnip Moth.

Heart and Club

The hindwings are grey, usually much darker than in Heart and Dart and Turnip Moth.

Heart and Dart

The hindwings are whitish (compared with other common Agrotis species the hindwings of this species are usually paler than in Heart and Club but darker than in Turnip Moth).

Turnip Moth

It is a cutworm in the genus Agrotis, which possibly is the genus that includes the largest number of species of cutworms.


Coffee is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera (butterfly and moth) species, Dalcera abrasa, turnip moth and some members of the genus Endoclita, including E. damor and E. malabaricus.

see also