The top 15 surnames (after aggregating for common misspellings) recorded, from greatest to least, are: Lynch, Keleher, Twomey, Healy, Lucey, Quill, Leehane, Murphy, Riordan, Sweeny, Herlihy, Buckley, McCarthy, Creedon, Dinneen.
One of the few documentary videotape editors at "48 Hours" in NYC to become a producer, Twomey became a music producer for reporter Mark McEwen at CBS This Morning.
Twomey won a National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences award as editor of "Channel 2 The people" and shared many other film industry awards while editing for CBS News "48 Hours."
Clofazimine, initially known as B663, was first synthesised in 1954 by a team with the scientists J.G. Belton, M.L. Conalty, Seán O'Sullivan and Dermot Twomey led by Dr Vincent Barry, from Sunday's Well in Cork at Trinity College, Dublin as an anti-tuberculosis drug.
Although author Toby Harnden and others have alleged that it was ordered by elements of the IRA leadership (Seamus Twomey and Brian Keenan), other republican leaders were reported to be very unhappy about it.
Patrick Joseph Twomey (22 February 1892–1963) was a notable New Zealand marist brother, meter reader and leprosy fund-raiser.
Paul Twomey was the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) from March 2003 to June 2009.
Following his departure from NOIE, Dr Twomey created a consultancy with Ira Magaziner (Domestic Policy Adviser to former US President Bill Clinton) called Argo P@cific.
In 2007, Twomey hired Ben Cane, a Pinot noir specialist who became Twomey’s Pinot noir and Sauvignon blanc Winemaker in 2008.
In May 2012, noted winemaker Jean-Claude Berrouet joined Twomey as winemaking consultant, working closely with Director of Winemaking Daniel Baron in the production of Twomey's Napa Valley Merlot.