
4 unusual facts about Typha latifolia

Floridian highlands freshwater marsh

Approximately meter-deep supports emergent herbaceous perennials, typically in dense, monospecific stands; species include bulrush (Typha latifolia), pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata), American lotus (Nelumbo lutea).

Livarot cheese

It is sold in cylindrical form with the orangish rind wrapped in 3 to 5 rings of dried reedmace (Typha latifolia).


Typha latifolia, a perennial herbaceous plant sometimes known as Cat-o'-nine-tails.

Water torch

The water plant Typha latifolia, because its stems when soaked in oil make good burning torches

see also

Coquillettidia perturbans

This allows for the swamp-like habitat to exist for the growth of cattails (Typha latifolia L.) and also Juncus sp.