The Imp, nickname of Tyrion Lannister, a character from the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin
During A Clash of Kings he engages in a power struggle against Cersei and his nephew King Joffrey.
While becoming strongly at odds with his sister and the king, he masterminds the defence of King's Landing against Stannis Baratheon's naval attack with a massive chain boom and ships filled with the Greek fire-like wildfire.
While he is initially perceived as a minor but somewhat powerful figure in the first three books of the series, by A Feast for Crows it is revealed that several major plot points have hinged on Baelish's intrigues and machinations, including the framing of Tyrion Lannister for the attempt on Bran Stark's life and the deaths of Jon Arryn and King Joffrey.