However, the RPCR became the largest party in the New Caledonia and regained first place in the South Province.
Future Together won 22.69% and 16 seats, but it won more votes than the RPCR in the loyalist stronghold of South Province.
The 9th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes is a French legislative constituency represented in the XIIIth legislature by Michèle Tabarot of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP).
In June 2007, she was a candidate at the legislative elections in the 13th arrondissement of Paris and had in the first round 28.2%, against 36.6% for the UMP candidate Jean-François Lamour, and was beaten on the second round with 56.7% for Lamour.
He resigned to support the moderate centrist candidate François Bayrou, one of the two UMP ministers to do so.
He was the delegate minister for equal opportunities of France in the government of French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin (Union for a Popular Movement, UMP) till 5 April 2007.
In the 2012 presidential election, François Hollande (PS) received an astonishing 68.83% of the vote in the second round against then-President, Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP).
Yacin Elmi Bouh, the Minister of the Interior, announced on 9 February that the UMP had won all 65 seats and placed turnout at 72.61%, which he said was the highest in 15 years.
After retiring from the pitches, Di Meco pursued a career as a politician, acting as municipal council for UMP in Marseille.
On 23 May, France 24 organised a televised debate in New York City for the eight candidates it deemed "active" in terms of their campaign : Corinne Narassiguin (Socialist), Frédéric Lefebvre (UMP) Carole Granade (MoDem), Philippe Manteau (ARES), Julien Balkany (dissident UMP), Gérard Michon (dissident UMP), Antoine Treuille (misc. right), and Emile Servan-Schreiber (misc. right).
He only served a single term, before being defeated in the 2002 election by Marie-Hélène des Esgaulx of the UMP.
The law, particularly the aforementioned paragraph and articles 1 and 13, created a public uproar and opposition from the whole of the left-wing, and article 4, paragraph 2 was repealed by president Jacques Chirac (UMP) at the beginning of 2006, after accusations of historical revisionism from various teachers and historians, including Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Claude Liauzu, Olivier LeCour Grandmaison and Benjamin Stora.
As leader of the largest opposition group (UMP Group), Jean-Claude Gaudin could also be candidate.
He was overwhelmingly re-elected Mayor of Lyon in March 2008, defeating Dominique Perben of the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) by the first round in a landslide.
Following the September 2008 Senate elections, Larcher was endorsed for the position of President of the Senate by the majority UMP Parliamentary Group after a contest against former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
After these problems, most members of the CPNT have joined the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) or the Movement for France, but the party is still in existence, and nominated Frédéric Nihous, a hunter from Northern France, as a candidate in the Presidential election of 2007.
For the 2009 European Parliament election, he was the third member of the list of the presidential majority (UMP/NC/LGM), under the New Centre label.
He represented Alpes Maritimes' 1st constituency from 2002 to 2007 as a member of the UMP, part first of The Free Right faction and then the National Centre of Independents and Peasants, a party formerly affiliated with the UMP.
He was defeated running as a right-wing independent in his constituency against the UMP's official candidate and eventual winner Éric Ciotti.
Marie-Jo Zimmermann (born 29 April 1951) is a French Member of Parliament, for the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) party.
In 2005, Olivier Henno created the surprise in a by-election where he managed to place former UMP deputy and former minister Marc-Philippe Daubresse in a difficult runoff.
He was re-elected mayor of Saint-André-lez-Lille in 2008 with over 65% of the votes in the first round against a UMP and PS list.
After the 2007 legislative elections, Télé Lyon Métropole (TLM) filmed a conversation during which a UMP Deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône introduced new MP Michel Havard to Patrick Devedjian, saying that Havard had beaten Democratic Movement candidate Anne-Marie Comparini.
He won 9.26% and was reluctant to endorse the incumbent UMP President, René Garrec.
Many in the UMP blamed him for the defeat of Garrec by Socialist candidate Philippe Duron.
The Free Right (La Droite libre) is a liberal-conservative faction within the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) founded and led by Rachid Kaci and Alexandre del Valle.
There developed a split among UDF elected officials, between those such as Gilles de Robien and Pierre-Christophe Baguet, who favored closer ties with the UMP, and those such as François Bayrou who advocate independent centrist policies, while others such as Jean Dionis du Séjour tried steering for a middle course.