On 23 May, France 24 organised a televised debate in New York City for the eight candidates it deemed "active" in terms of their campaign : Corinne Narassiguin (Socialist), Frédéric Lefebvre (UMP) Carole Granade (MoDem), Philippe Manteau (ARES), Julien Balkany (dissident UMP), Gérard Michon (dissident UMP), Antoine Treuille (misc. right), and Emile Servan-Schreiber (misc. right).
Julien Balkany, a member of the Union for a Popular Movement, will stand as a dissident candidate, having failed to obtain the party's endorsement.
A resident of San Francisco, she is a former director of the city's French American Chamber of Commerce.
Emile Servan-Schreiber, with Christian Déséglise as his deputy, is an "independent centre-right" candidate.
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