
unusual facts about Ugento

Josip Bodrožić

In 2004 he became the W.P.K.C. super heavyweight muay thai world champion in Ugento, Italy, beating Hungarian Peter Varga for five rounds and dropping him down several times.


Ugento |

Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri

She has excavated extensively in Italy, including major excavations at Osteria dell'Osa, Castiglione, Fidenae, as well as excavations at Frattesina di Fratta Polesine (Rovigo), and Specchia Artanisi di Ugento.

Illyrian coinage

The cities which minted these early mints were Valesio, Brindisi, Nardò, Oria, Ugento, Grax and Samadi.

Soleto Map

Moreover, the Soleto Map describes the city of Taranto (called Taras), as well as other cities of Salento such as Soleto, Leuca, Ugento, and Otranto.

see also