
2 unusual facts about Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Anatole Vakhnianyn

He came from a clerical family; his father, Klym Vakhnianyn, and grandfather, Iakiv Vakhnyanin, were Greek-Catholic priests.

The White Bird Marked with Black

Both older brothers, Petro and Orest, are in love with Dana, the priest's beautiful daughter.

Michael Kuchmiak

Michael Kuchmiak, C.S.S.R. (February 5, 1923, Obertyn, Ukraine – August 26, 2008, Saskatoon, Canada) was a bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and titular bishop of Agathopolis since 1988.

Sundown, Manitoba

The Ukrainian Catholic Church owns the church and hall on the east side of town while the Ukrainian Orthodox Church owns the church and hall on the west side of town.

see also

Archdiocese of Lviv

Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Lviv, an archeparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

Ukraine prison ministry

The Patriarchal Curia of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is an organ of Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kyiv and Halych, which coordinates and promotes the common activity of the UGCC in Ukraine to make influence on society in different spheres: education, policy, culture, etc.