
unusual facts about Ummah.com


Although Ummah.com has been through several changes of webserver hardware, it has, due to the insistence of its system administrator, always used FreeBSD as its operating system.


Ummah |


ARY Qtv is a Pakistani television channel with a Sunni Islam religious focus, producing programs mainly focusing on the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at school of thought in Ummah.

Fateh M. Malik

According to Pakistan Academy of Letters Chairman Iftikhar Arif, Malik is "a great critic, a prominent intellectual and a distinguished scholar of Pakistaniat and Iqbaliat. He always expresses his views about the identity of Islamic Ummah with a passion that traces back to Allama Muhammad Iqbal."

Five Pillars of Islam

All of these prayers are recited while facing in the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca and forms an important aspect of the Muslim Ummah.

Hujr ibn 'Adi

Sunni scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi in his book Caliphs and Kings writes:"Hajar ibn Adiy was a pious companion of the Prophet (saws) and played a vital role in the correction of the Ummah.

Opinion of Islamic scholars on Jihad

Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a renowned scholar based in Qatar writes in his book Fiqh of Jihad,"The third category is the "moderate Ummah" which Almighty Allah has guided to the approach of moderation and granted knowledge, wisdom, and deep understanding of the Shari`ah and reality.

The Ummah

Although A Tribe Called Quest since formed somewhat of a reunion, releasing "ICU (Doin' It)" in 2003, the possibility of the group once again using the Ummah name for future productions seems unlikely, especially since member Jay Dee's death on February 10, 2006, from complications of Lupus.

see also