
6 unusual facts about Una Healy

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# "Do What You Want With Me" (as sexual choreography is used, Una Healy takes a break due to being pregnant and does not perform this song)

The revelation of Una Healy's pregnancy in September 2011 meant fans began to question whether she would still appear on the tour.

The shows second act carries on with "Issues", which sees Mollie King and Una Healy sat on the stairs on the right hand side of the stage, Rochelle Wiseman and Vanessa White on the left, and Frankie Sandford sat above the doors in the middle back of the stage.

Una Healy returns to the stage and the show moves on with the "Way You Watch Me".

Due to performing heavy choreography, that she would not be able to do as for being pregnant, member Una Healy takes a break, whilst the remaining four members perform the song.

The Saturdays discography

The Saturdays were formed in 2007, with a number of different auditions through their management: Frankie Sandford, Rochelle Humes, Una Healy, Mollie King and Vanessa White were the successful auditionees and were granted a place within the band.

see also