
unusual facts about Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey

Butter pie

This dish is also mentioned in the Paul McCartney song "Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey" where Sir Paul sings (rather garbledly), "I had another look and I had a cup of tea and butter pie. (Butter pie?) The butter wouldn't melt so I put it in the pie ..."

A Royal Flush

Already nervous during the weekend in Berkshire, Rodney is horrified when Del arrives with a reluctant Albert in the Reliant Regal, claiming to have turned up to deliver Rodney's evening suit that he "forgot" (although Rodney knows that he packed it and Del removed it so he had an excuse to turn up).

Buster Merryfield

Merryfield joined Only Fools and Horses in January 1985, as the former seafaring Albert Gladstone Trotter, known as Uncle Albert, who was Grandad Trotter's globetrotting long-lost brother, and who was known for Uncle Albert's catchphrase of "During the war..."

Uncle Albert

His nephews often teased him about this as well as his ability to sink ships and, with his bald head and big white beard, his resemblance to Captain Birdseye.

see also