
19 unusual facts about Albert Campion

Coroner's Pidgin

Just returned from years overseas on a secret mission, Albert Campion is relaxing in his bath when his servant Magersfontein Lugg and a lady of unmistakably aristocratic bearing appear in his flat carrying the corpse of a woman.

Dancers in Mourning

An old friend of Albert Campion, Uncle William Faraday, has written a successful book that has been turned into a hit musical comedy.

Death of a Ghost

Visiting Fustian in prison, Campion finds him a gibbering lunatic, his mind pushed over the edge by the defeat of his schemes.

Albert Campion, a friend of Belle and the family, persuades her to attend the show, just in time to be there when Tommy is stabbed to death during a power outage.

Too late, Campion recalls the wine has a terribly intoxicating effect if taken after spirits – and Max had made sure Campion drank lots of gin before dinner.

Albert Campion, an old friend of Belle, an adventurer, detective and universal uncle

Campion calls in his old friend Stanislaus Oates to help avoid scandal, but Oates is convinced Linda must be guilty, as she has the only obvious motive.

Sure now that Max had Tommy fake the last four paintings for him, Campion gets further proof in the form of a drawing uncovered in Paris by Linda.

Campion meets up with Max Fustian, and finds himself entertaining strange suspicions of the odd little man.

When murder once again visits "Little Venice", Albert Campion must exercise all his powers to bring the killer to justice...

Seeking the source of the poisoned booze, Campion and Oates discover that Claire took in wood-blocks for cleaning from Max Fustian, and had returned a parcel that very day.

Campion visits Tommy's cottage and finds Max there, all traces of Tommy burnt.

After a drunken tour of town, Max leads Campion to the edge of a Tube platform, and pushes hard – only to be stopped by the plain-clothes men Oates has had on their tail, after a meeting with Campion that morning.

Flowers for the Judge

Albert Campion, an old friend of Mike, an adventurer, detective and universal uncle

It is the seventh novel to feature the mysterious Albert Campion, aided by his grouchy manservant Magersfontein Lugg.

Look to the Lady

It is the third novel featuring the mysterious Albert Campion, accompanied once more by his butler/valet/bodyguard Magersfontein Lugg.

Mystery Mile

Following his first, supporting appearance in The Crime at Black Dudley (1929), it is the first of many novels starring the mysterious Albert Campion, and introduces his butler/valet/bodyguard Magersfontein Lugg.

The Crime at Black Dudley

It introduces Albert Campion, her misleadingly vapid detective, who would go on to appear in another 18 novels and many short stories over the next 30 years.

The Tiger in the Smoke

It falls to Albert Campion and Inspector Charles Luke to pit their wits against the killer and hunt him down through the city's November smog before it is too late.