
unusual facts about Unfair

Unfair: The Movie

Unfair: The Movie is a Japanese action movie released on March 17, 2007, directed by Yoshinori Kobayashi, follow up to the drama Unfair, and still starring Ryoko Shinohara in the main role.

2010 Shanghai fire

On 20 December 2010, the mayor of Shanghai, Han Zheng, said that the city would crack down on unfair practices of construction companies and contracting firms.

Alfa Corp. v. OAO Alfa Bank

The plaintiff alleged that the defendants' conduct constituted trademark infringement and unfair competition under federal law, under §§ 1114(1), 1125(a)(1)(A) of Title 15 of the United States Code, and trademark infringement, unfair competition, and dilution under the common law.

Arthur Samuel Allen

Although he was successful, Allen nevertheless came under what many consider unfair criticism from the Allied commander in the South West Pacific Area, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur and the Allied land forces commander, the Australian General Thomas Blamey, for moving too slowly in pursuit of the Japanese across the Owen Stanley Ranges.

Baby Esther

In May 1932, Helen Kane filed a $250,000 lawsuit against Max Fleischer and Paramount Publix Corporation, contending that Betty Boop's "boop-oop-a-doop" style constituted a "deliberate caricature" that gave her "unfair competition."

Bahamas Democratic Movement

Both men charged from the Public Gallery onto the House floor and handcuffed themselves to the Mace (symbol of the House Speaker's authority) in protest against the "unfair gerrymandering of the constituency boundaries by the FNM Administration".


In his article about Bedford for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Martyn Powell contends that accusations of opportunism are unfair, and that flexibility was necessary for a relatively small party like the Bedford Whigs.

Bernd Stumpf

At the time Dynamo was under the patronage of the Stasi, East Germany's state secret police force headed by Erich Mielke, and since the late 70s had benefited from unfair player transfers and questionable officiating.

Brian Carthy

This prompted a response from numerous Gaelic games figures, including Mickey Harte, Kieran McGeeney and Justin McNulty, who felt this mistreatment of Carthy was unfair.

Brooklyn–Manhattan Transit Corporation

In it he complained that the company had "met with the bitter, personal and unfair opposition of Mayor Hylan."

Checking whether a coin is fair

Either a specially designed chip or more usually a simple currency coin is used, although the latter might be slightly "unfair" due to an asymmetrical weight distribution, which might cause one state to occur more frequently than the other, giving one party an unfair advantage.


On 20 November 2009, Datel filed a legal complaint against Microsoft in the Northern District of California for violations of §§1–2 of the Sherman act and §3 of the Clayton Antitrust Act; for unfair competition; and for tortious interference with prospective economic advantage.

Earl Durand

A 1974 Hollywood movie showed Durand in a more romantic light, portraying him as a mountain man intent on securing his own freedom from an oppressive and unfair local sheriff {a co-star was Martin Sheen}.

Ernest Wood

He was defeated by George Arundale, one of Charles Leadbeater's close allies, in a campaign that Wood later described as unfair and questionable.

Estate tax in the United States

In the 2006 documentary, The One Percent, Robert Reich commented, "If we continue to reduce the estate tax on the schedule we now have, it means that we are going to have the children of the wealthiest people in this country owning more and more of the assets of this country, and their children as well.... It's unfair; it's unjust; it's absurd."

Fallon Fox

In an interview with the New York Post, UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey said that she felt Fox had an unfair physical advantage due to having "the same bone structure a man has".

Franchise Rule

The FTC enforces the Federal Trade Commission Act ("FTC Act"), which prohibits unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.

Frank Bainimarama

Attar Singh, General Secretary for the Fiji Islands Council of Trade Unions, said: "We have never seen anything worse than this decree. It is without doubt designed to decimate unions ... by giving employers an unfair advantage over workers and unions".

Hawaii Admission Act

Burns was involved in vigorous lobbying of his colleagues persuading them that the race-based objections were unfair and charges that Communist Party sympathizers controlled Hawaii were blatant lies.

Hibiya High School

However, they were all expelled due to a protest they organised in 1905 over the unfair signing of the Japan–Korea Treaty of 1905, which effectively made the Korean Empire a protectorate of the Empire of Japan.

History of Anglo-Hindu law

The British saw this system as unfair, due to the ambiguity of laws in different regions and lack of a common law.


Maggie Chiang covered it in 2004 as "Ni Bu Gong Ping" (Chinese for "Unfair to you") for her album Beautiful But Lonely (2004).

Hsu Hsin-liang

After the 2004 presidential election, Hsu, in protest of what he saw as an unfair election, arrived at Ketagalan Boulevard (in front of the presidential palace) on the night of March 24 and staged a 3-day hunger strike.

Jamie Kellner

Due to what is considered the decline of the WWE product, many wrestling fans have denounced Kellner's actions in regards to WCW, blaming him for the fact that WWE owner Vince McMahon has a virtual monopoly on the professional wrestling market, although others have defended Kellner, calling it unfair to blame him for WCW's demise when it was due to a series of internal mistakes that the company was already massively in debt.

José Manuel Castañón

Unwilling to be part of the Franco’s regime due to the unfair treatment of defeated Republicans and to discriminatory legal procedures, he started expressing his discontent.

Kotomitsuki Keiji

On September 13, Kotomitsuki filed an injunction with the Tokyo District Court seeking his re-instatement to sumo, arguing that he had not been given a full explanation for his dismissal and that he was made an unfair example by the Sumo Association in comparison with the lighter punishment given to all the other wrestlers who admitted gambling (a one-tournament suspension).

Leopold Tyrmand

In 1950, during the years of Stalinism in Poland, Tyrmand was removed from the editorial board of popular Przekrój magazine for his report about a boxing tournament, in which he criticized the Russian judges for their pro-Soviet bias (their unfair decisions spurred protests among the boxing fans leading to police intervention).


Lightweight rowing was a category entered into the Olympic sport, originally due to countries of smaller stature competing with an unfair disadvantage, as rowing favors the taller athlete who has more leverage.


On May 12, 2010, Judge Kimba Wood of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in Arista Records LLC v. Lime Group LLC that LimeWire and its creator, Mark Gorton, had committed copyright infringement, engaged in unfair competition, and induced others to commit copyright infringement.

Man o' War Boulevard

Scotty Baesler, who was mayor of Lexington during most of the construction phase, argued in a 2007 interview with the city's daily newspaper, the Lexington Herald-Leader, that much of this criticism was either unfair or the result of misconceptions.

Marge Green

The broadcasting commission said the EastEnders Brownie episodes "came near to parody," were unfair to the Brownies and harmed the Girl Guides' image.

McFarlane v Relate Avon Ltd

The claim of wrongful dismissal was accepted on procedural grounds, but the other claims were dismissed, and the applicant appealed against the dismissal of the claims of discrimination and unfair dismissal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

Murray v Minister of Defence

Murray instituted action in the High Court in which he claimed damages for loss of income consequent upon his alleged constructive dismissal from the South African Navy, because its "continual unfair and ill-treatment" of him over a period of some two and a half years had left him with no alternative but to resign from his post.

North-West Rebellion

Angered by what seemed to be unfair treaties and the withholding of vital provisions by the Canadian government,and also by the dwindling buffalo population, their main source of food, Big Bear and his Cree decided to rebel after the successful Métis victory at Duck Lake.

Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices

The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), in the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, is responsible for enforcing the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), which protects US citizens and certain other individual from discriminations based on their citizenship or immigration status.


Their use in professional tournaments is hotly contested; Jim Furyk and others on the pro tours including Langer and Vijay Singh have used belly putters at some point with a marked improvement of their short game, while players like Tiger Woods and officials like former USGA technical director Frank Thomas have condemned it as conferring an unfair advantage on users.

Riverview Psychiatric Center

Augusta Mayor William Stokes also expressed concern over Augusta bearing an unfair burden of mental health patients.

Sexual capital

Hamermesh assumes these economic benefits must be due to unfair discrimination, a position he takes from Deborah Rhode's new book, Beauty Bias, a feminist lawyer's critique of the social benefits that accrue to attractive people, and the disadvantages experienced by unattractive people, most particularly the obese.

Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

Uppal is an attorney with Bryan Cave LLP with a practice focused on employee benefits litigation and labor and employment disputes, with an emphasis on unfair competition, wrongful discharge and equal employment opportunity litigation.

Smells Like Saturday

Zig and Zag often turn on their TV station ‘Channel Z’ and tune into their favourite soap ‘Unfair City’ which is their skit on RTE long-running series Fair City.

The National Schools Regatta

In 1973 the regatta moved to its current home at Holme Pierrepont, due to the frequency of unfair weather conditions at the Child Beale Estate, and the ability to hold six lane racing at Holme Pierrepont.


The case was found to involve issues relating to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Act, 1977: these issues were referred to a higher court in Stornoway.

Unfair business practices

For instance, in the European Union, each member state must regulate unfair business practices in accordance with the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, subject to transitional periods.

Unfair dismissal in the United Kingdom

The Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 soon replaced the unfair dismissal provisions, as was the National Industrial Relations Court with a system of Industrial Tribunals, since renamed Employment Tribunals.

Unfair terms in English contract law

The topic of unfair terms is vast, and could equally include specific contracts falling under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the Employment Rights Act 1996 or the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.


On August 24, 2012, Internet Brands filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court against Wikitravel administrator Ryan Holliday and Wikipedia administrator James Heilman involving claims of trademark infringement and unfair business practices.

see also