The village is surrounded by fertile paddy, maize fields and apart from Agriculture being the predominant occupation of the people staying here, Magallu also drew upon the services of blacksmiths, laundryworkers, goldsmiths and people from other working classes making it a complete mixture, thus strengthening the distinctive spirit of our culture and our era- "Unity in diversity".
Adélard Godbout, while Premier of Quebec, published an article entitled "Canada: Unity in Diversity" (1943) in the Council on Foreign Relations journal.
Organisation of African Unity | Socialist Unity Party of Germany | Unity | Unity Theatre | Convention on Biological Diversity | Unity of the Brethren | Unity Church | Transitional Government of National Unity | Unity Theatre, Liverpool | Global Crop Diversity Trust | Front for the Restoration of Unity and Democracy | TEAM Unity | Socialist Unity Party | national unity government | National Unity | diversity | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity | Unity Theatre, London | Unity, New Hampshire | Unity Mitford | Russian National Unity | Reconciliation and Unity Commission (Fiji) | Party of National Unity (Kenya) | Party of National Unity | Party for National Unity and Solidarity | National Unity Party | National unity government | National Unity Front | Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity | Council For Unity |