
unusual facts about Uralic languages

Uralic languages

Gyula László places its origin in the forest zone between the Oka River and central Poland.


The ethnic identiry of the Burtas is disputed, with several different theories ranging from them being a Uralic tribal confederacy (probably later assimilated to Turkic language), and therefore perhaps the ancestors of the modern Moksha people, or that they were an Aryan tribe, possibly the ancestors of the modern Mishars, and/or Volga Tatars and Chuvash.

Yukaghir languages

The relationship of the Yukaghir languages with other language families is uncertain, though it has been suggested that they are distantly related to the Uralic languages, thus forming the putative Uralic–Yukaghir language family.

see also

Language reform

Estonian (1910s/1920s) — reform movement led by Johannes Aavik and Johannes V. Veski renewed the vocabulary, borrowing a lot of roots from Finnish and other Uralic languages and even inventing some roots.


In using the Latin alphabet for Uralic languages, palatalization is typically denoted with an acute accent, as in Võroś⟩; an apostrophe, as in Karelian ⟨s’⟩; or digraphs in j, as in the Savo dialect of Finnish, ⟨sj⟩.