In the VHDL hardware description language such values are denoted (in the standard logic package) by the letter "X" (forced unknown) or the letter "W" (weak unknown).
Students have opportunity to understand the technology through latest software like OrCAD, MATLAB, VHDL so as to enable them to be socially conscience and technologically skilled so as to contribute towards socially relevant technical problems.
It was originally developed under contract F33615-83-C-1003 from the United States Air Force awarded in 1983 to a team with Intermetrics, Inc. as language experts and prime contractor, with Texas Instruments as chip design experts and IBM as computer system design experts.
Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic: Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design.
The objective of the meeting was to define requirements for a next-generation design language that would address perceived shortcomings in existing languages such as VHDL and Verilog.
The first approach ultimately resulted in SystemVerilog and extensions to VHDL while the second resulted in SystemC, all of which became Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards for the semiconductor industry.