
unusual facts about VOM


Voice of the Martyrs, roup of Christian organizations devoted to raising awareness of persecutions of Christians around the world

Alfred Escher

Johann Heinrich Alfred Escher vom Glas, known as Alfred Escher (20 February 1819 in Zurich – 6 December 1882 in Zurich/Enge) was a Swiss politician, business leader and railways pioneer.

Alles wird gut

The fact, that pieces of Berlin Wall (torn down in 1989) became popular souvenirs is referenced in the line "Mit einem Stein in der Hand als Souvenir von der Mauer in Berlin/Klopfen wir an die Hintertür vom neuen Paradies" (With a stone in the hand as a souvenir from the wall in Berlin/We're knocking on the backdoor of the new paradise).

Angry Samoans

During 1978 both Gregg Turner and Mike Saunders played with rock critic Richard Meltzer in the Los Angeles punk band VOM, which issued a posthumous five-song EP Live at Surf City on White Noise Records in early summer 1978.


Harald Braem alias Wolfram vom Stein (born 1944), a German writer

Brunswick Palace

Die nach einem Entwurf Ernst Rietschels ab 1855 gefertigte und den Mittelbau des Schlosses krönende Quadriga mit Brunonia wurde vom Braunschweiger Erzgießer und Kupfertreiber Georg Howaldt gleich in zwei Exemplaren hergestellt.

Christian Garve

Edmund Burke, Über den Ursprung unserer Begriffe vom Erhabenen und Schönen A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, Riga, 1773

Christiane F. – We Children from Bahnhof Zoo

Christiane F. – Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo is a 1981 film directed by Ulrich Edel that portrays the drug scene in West Berlin in the 1970s, based on the non-fiction book of the same name written following tape recordings of Christiane F. The movie immediately acquired cult status (which it still retains today) and features David Bowie as both himself and the soundtrack composer, which gave the movie a commercial boost.

Dormition Abbey

During his visit to Jerusalem in 1898 for the dedication of the Protestant Church of the Redeemer, Kaiser Wilhelm II bought this piece of land on Mount Zion for 120,000 German Goldmark from Sultan Abdul Hamid II and presented it to the "German Union of the Holy Land" ("Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande").

Ernst vom Rath

In November 1938, aged 29, vom Rath was shot and mortally wounded by a 17-year-old Polish Jewish youth, Herschel Grynszpan, who had fled from Germany to France.

Ernst Eduard vom Rath (3 June 1909 – 9 November 1938) was a German diplomat, remembered for his assassination in Paris in 1938 by a Jewish young man, Herschel Grynszpan, which touched off Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass.

Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl

Geschichte vom braven Kasperl und dem schönen Annerl (or The Story of Just Casper and Fair Annie in English) is a novella by Clemens Brentano, first published in 1817 in the book Gaben der Milde, edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Gubitz.

Gregory of Elvira

Gams, Kirchengeschichte vom Spanien (Ratisborn, 1864), II, 256 sq.


Das barocke Portal wurde bereits im Jahr 1703 von Johann Adam Wissen für die frühere Spitalkirche von Freiburg „vom Heiligen Geist“, geschaffen, die 1805/06 in das ehemalige Klarissenkloster in der Gauchstraße verlegt wurde.

Ingrid Caven

She starred alongside Carole Bouquet in the film Day of the Idiots as a doctor and won an award for Outstanding Individual Achievement: Actress at the German Film Awards of 1982 for her performance as Inga in the film Looping - Der lange Traum vom kurzen Glück

Johann Christoph Fugger

Johann Christoph Fugger (1561-1612) was a German businessman and the last famous survivor of the Fugger vom Reh branch of the Fugger family.

Johann Ludwig Christ

He was a specialist in Hymenoptera who published in 1791 Naturgeschichte, Klassifikation und Nomenklatur der Insekten vom Bienen, Wespen und Ameisengeschlecht.

Johannes Haw

Johannes Maria Haw (b. 26 May 1871; d. 28 October 1949) was a German Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Johannesbund of Leutesdorf and of the religious communities of the Community of the Sisters of St John of Mary the Queen (Ordensgemeinschaft der Johannesschwestern von Maria Königin) and the Society of Missionaries of Saint John the Baptist (die Gemeinschaft der Missionare vom Hl. Johannes dem Täufer).

Kamid al lawz

Hachmann, Rolf., “Kāmid el-Lōz und die Amarna-Zeit oder vom Sinn und Unsinn der Kulturgeschichte und ihrer Erforschung” Saarbrücken 1972.

Karl Gutzkow

After the success of Die Ritter vom Geiste, Gutzkow founded a journal on the model of Dickens's Household Words, entitled Unterhaltungen am häuslichen Herd, which first appeared in 1852 and was continued till 1862.

Karl vom Stein zum Altenstein

Karl Sigmund Franz Freiherr vom Stein zum Altenstein (1 October 1770, Schalkhausen near Ansbach - 14 May 1840, Berlin) was a Prussian politician and the first Prussian culture minister.


# "Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod" (Play me the song of death; German title for Once Upon a Time in the West) (Ennio Morricone) − 1:14

Ludwig Quidde

Das hat im Grunde genommen schon Kant vorausgesehen, der die Schaffung eines "ewigen Friedens" nicht etwa von einer Hebung der Moral erwartete, sondern vom Kriege, der so unerträglich werden würde, dass die Menschheit sich genötigt sehen würde, den Frieden zu sichern.

Natural regions of Germany

Nagelfluh-Vorberge wie der Pfänder werden, abweichend vom Handbuch, von Dongus nicht den Alpen, sondern dem Alpenvorland zugerechnet.

Paul Müller-Kaempff

Müller-Kaempff stayed in touch with his fomer fellow-student, Georg Müller vom Siel, and visited him at Dötlingen in June 1908.

Principles of warfare

Carl von Clausewitz, in his book Vom Kriege (On War) published in 1832, and Antoine Henri Jomini in his book, Precis de l'Art de Guerre, published in 1838, developed theories of warfare based on the concepts and methods used during the Napoleonic Wars.

Roman governors of Germania Inferior

Werner Eck (de): Die Statthalter der germanischen Provinzen vom 1.-3.


Es reicht vom Osten des historischen Siegerlandes im Westen bis weit nach Hessen ins Upland und ins Hessische Hinterland, ein Südwestausläufer zur Kalteiche berührt an der Nahtstelle der drei beteiligten Bundesländer gar fast den Westerwald.

Tim Vom Steeg

Rob Friend, Memo Arzate, Alan Keely, Drew McAthy, Tony Lochhead, Dan Kennedy, Tyler Rosenlund, Andy Iro, Eric Avila, and Ciaran O'Brien have all won All-America accolades while at UCSB under Vom Steeg.

Turhan Bey

A documentary film about Bey, Vom Glück verfolgt. Wien - Hollywood - Retour, was made in 2002 by Andrea Eckert.

Vom Donaustrande

Vom Donaustrande (By the Shores of the Danube, op. 356) is a polka by Johann Strauss II written in 1873.

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege

Vom Unglück und Glück der Kunst in Deutschland nach dem letzten Kriege ("On the misfortune and fortune of art in Germany after the last war") is a 1990 book-length essay by the German writer and filmmaker Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.


Nördlich vom Mittelteil des Wesergebirges befindet sich die Stadt Bückeburg, south of davon die Stadt Rinteln, and southwest of des Gebirges liegt die Stadt Vlotho.

World Union for Protection of Life

Günther Schwab is known as the author of the screenplay for the movie Der Förster vom Silberwald (Heimatfilm, literally homeland film), released 25 November 1954 in Vienna (as Echo der Berge) and 8 February 1955 in Munich.

see also