Valentino nero is a red Italian wine grape variety that is grown in the Piedmont wine region of northwest Italy but was initially bred at the Conegliano research center in the Veneto.
Nero | Valentino | Rudolph Valentino | Valentino SpA | Nero Wolfe | Valentino Garavani | Nero Claudius Drusus | Valentino Rossi | Franco Nero | Moonlight and Valentino | Valentino: The Last Emperor | Jim Valentino | Valentino Gasparella | Serena Valentino | Lenny Valentino | Circus of Nero | Valentino Orsini | Valentino Bompiani | Valentino (1977 film) | Thomas J. Valentino | Simone Del Nero | Nero Wolfe (1981 TV series) | Nero Decree | Lake Nero | Bronze prutah minted by Antonius Felix.
'''Obverse:''' Greek letters NEP WNO C (Nero | Bombino nero |