
2 unusual facts about Variscan Orogeny


The Ternoise valley is the most northerly flowing in the syncline to the south of the Variscan front.


Just to the south of La Châtre, some twelve kilometres south of Vic, the Variscan-faulted rocks of the Massif Central begin with Cambrian/Ordovician migmatite.

Aber Dinlle Fault

It was reactivated as a normal fault in the Carboniferous with a downthrow to the northwest and again reactivated as a reverse fault during Late Carboniferous inversion associated with the Variscan Orogeny.

Berw Fault

There are no indications of inversion during the Variscan Orogeny, but the fault was reactivated in a normal sense during the Permian and Triassic and again during the Cenozoic with a sinistral strike-slip sense.

see also