
5 unusual facts about Vast right-wing conspiracy

Vast right-wing conspiracy

Two other figures who have used the phrase are Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman and Journalist Joe Conason.

In 2004, conservative lawyer Mark W. Smith wrote the New York Times Best Seller Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, which came with a "membership card" that made its owner an "official member of the VRWC."

David Brock, a conservative-turned-liberal pundit, has said he was once a part of an effort to dredge up a scandal against Clinton.

Starr's investigation began to branch out into a variety of unrelated issues, from Filegate to Travelgate to allegations that Bill Clinton had an affair with Paula Jones prior to his presidency.

Adam Curtis also discusses the concept in his documentary series The Power of Nightmares.

Mark W. Smith

He is the author of Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (2004), and of Disrobed: The New Battle Plan to Break the Left's Stranglehold on the Courts (2007).

Mark is a New York Times bestselling author of The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy: The Arguments You Need to Defeat the Looney Left and Disrobed: The New Battle Plan to Break the Left’s Stranglehold on the Courts (Random House-Crown Forum 2006).

Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (ISBN 0-89526-085-9) is a 2004 book written by Mark W. Smith.

see also