He oversaw the creation of Venevision International, which handles the distribution, marketing and production of entertainment content.
Venevision International: is an entertainment company with more than 30 years’ experience in Spanish content distribution produced by Cisneros and other companies.
Under his leadership Venevision International also expanded into the wireless entertainment industry and the audiobook market with VeneMobile, Latcel, Fonolibro and the online portal NOVULU.
In March 2002, Villanueva was given the keys to the City of Miami, a merit given by the City of Miami in Florida to Venevision International for their exceptional contribution to the arts and culture of the local community.
Some of his accomplishments include leading Venevision International to become the first distributor of films originally produced in Spanish for the Hispanic Market via theatrical, pay-per-view, home video, cable TV and free TV.
While working for Cisneros Group, he held several key operational and executive positions including Head of Operations for Venevision Venezuela and Venevision Chile, Corporate Vice President of Finance and Development, and President and CEO of Venevision International.
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Corazón Apasionado (Venevisión International, 2011) - Juan José Rey actuación estelar