
unusual facts about Vent


The company is a prominent supporter/sponsor of the British Superbike Championship.


Vent EP | vent | Vent |


Divers Over the Side - "There are divers over the side, do not rotate screws, cycle rudders, operate sonar, take suction from or discharge to the sea, blow flood or vent any tanks, or operate any underwater equipment without first contacting the Chief Engineer and the diving supervisor." (Passed every fifteen minutes)

Aathi Narayana

The audio release of the film was held on August 25, 2009 with director Perarasu taking the opportunity as a stage to vent out against heroines who get overpaid.

Abyssal plain

Fueled by the chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids, these areas are often home to large and diverse communities of thermophilic, halophilic and other extremophilic prokaryotic microorganisms (such as those of the sulfide-oxidizing Beggiatoa genus), often arranged in large bacterial mats near cold seeps.

Anis Kachohi

The television station France 2 picked him as the Singer of the Summer in 2007; the channel showed regularly videos of "Cergy", "Intégration", and "Avec le Vent".

Baja Blue Rock Lizard

P. t. repens differs by having a thin, black, postorbital stripe; one row of scales between the nasal and the supralabials as opposed to two, and reaching a maximum snout-to-vent length of 111 mm as opposed to 162 mm.

Bandini s.p. 1000

The body is composed of a front with air-intake low, square and very large, with a large vent hot air in front for the passenger as in 1000 V changed; however, is for the first time, realized in composite: fiberglass and epoxy resin, set through rapid hooks that allow a quick replacement.


The famous writer Michel Tournier has spent a lot of time in Bligny in his childhood (his grandfather held a chemistry) and has written about Bligny-sur-Ouche and Lusigny-sur-Ouche in his book Le vent Paraclet translated in English as The Wind Spirit (his most unsuccessful book!).

Foxes Faux

They did this to fill lengthy Pub gig slot's whilst raising money to record their debut EP Vent.


It required routine maintenance to keep a tiny vent hole clear of seaweed or debris or the engine compartment would flood easily.

Les Djinns Singers

Markan issued her first solo Extended Play album in 1965, leading with "Quand mon ami pleure", a version of the little-known "When My Baby Cries", penned by Lesley Duncan with French lyrics written specially for Annie by Hubert Wayaffe, presenter of Europe 1’s "Dans le vent" program.

Lesbia Vent Dumois

Lesbia Claudina Vent Dumois (born November 6, 1932 in Cruces, Las Villas, Cuba) is a contemporary Cuban visual artist, whose works include illustration, painting, and engraving.

Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art

Joan Miró, Monument Dresse En Plein Ocean a La Gloire du Vent, 1967 and Constellation, 1971


Osez also appears on the track "Le vent tourne" from the gold album soundtrack of the movie La Haine from Mathieu Kassovitz.

Power window

Electrically-operated vent windows were available as early as 1956 on the Continental Mark II.


Sir A. Geikie has shown that the puy type of eruption was common in the British area in Carboniferous and Permian times, as abundantly attested in central Scotland by remains of the old volcanoes, now generally reduced by denudation to the mere neck, or volcanic vent, filled with tuff and agglomerate, or plugged with lava.

Singapore gay documentaries

The programme was thought to have been produced to give an opportunity for the gay community to vent its concerns after an official clampdown on gay parties like Nation.04 and Snowball in 2004, presumably as part of a conservative backlash against the rampant spread of HIV infection within the community.


Sulphatara or Solfatara is an Italian term for a volcanic vent that releases gaseous substances containing sulfur.


If the tent will be used where mosquitoes, gnats and other biting insects are expected, it should have all window, vent and door openings covered with fine-mesh "no-see-um" netting.

Trois morceaux dans le genre pathétique

Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji wrote of this piece in 1932 that it was familiar ... — too familiar one is tempted to say, for most people think of Alkan, indeed only know him, as the composer of ‘Le Vent’, as they know only the Sibelius of the ‘Valse Triste’ or ‘Finlandia’; the great master of ‘Le festin d'Ésope’ and the Fourth Symphony respectively being completely a terra incognita.

War of Jennifer's Ear

In the midst of the 1992 general election campaign, on 24 March, Labour ran a Party Election Broadcast about a five year old girl with glue ear who waited a year for the simple operation to insert vents.

see also