He who enters the city, as Mr Green did, from the Woodstock Road, and rolls down the shady avenue of St Giles', between St John's College and the Taylor Buildings, and past the graceful Martyrs' Memorial, will receive impressions such as probably no other city in the world could convey.
Green Day | Green Party | Green Bay Packers | Green Bay, Wisconsin | Green | Green Lantern | Green Acres | Al Green | Green Bay | Bowling Green State University | Dixon of Dock Green | Anne of Green Gables | Tom Green | Bowling Green, Kentucky | Green River | Wood Green | Goose Green | Bethnal Green | Seth Green | Green Valley | Green Goblin | Green Giant | U.S. Green Building Council | Roland J. Green | Green Party (United States) | Green Party of England and Wales | green | Scottish Green Party | Professor Green | Green Party of Canada |