
unusual facts about Vetus Latina

Cyprianus Gallus

Cyprianus Gallus (fl. c. 397–430) was a fifth-century poet who wrote a Late Latin epic versification of the historical books of the Vetus Latina, though only the Heptateuch (Heptateuchos) has survived to the present day.

Cumméne Fota

It consists of five manuscript folios, contains quotes from the Vulgate and Vetus Latina Bible; patristic commentary by Augustine, Jerome, Cyprian, Origen, Ambrosiaster and Gregory the Great; extracts from Canon law, ecclesiastical history and synodal decrees from Nicea and Arles in their original, uncontaminated forms, in addition to a decretum that enjoined on the Irish that, if all else failed, they should take their problems to Rome.

see also