
5 unusual facts about Via Augusta

La Jonquera

A contemporary motorway runs not far from the ancient Roman road, the Via Augusta.

Roda de BerĂ 

The Roman Via Augusta ran through the municipality, and a triumphal arch survives in the middle of the present N-340 coast road.

Sant Joan de les Abadesses

It seems that the area was not very much Romanized, despite the fact that a branch of the Via Augusta went up the valley to the Coll d'Ares.

Torre dels Escipions

It was built in the middle of the 1st century AD, to six kilometers from the city of Tarraco, capital of the Hispania Citerior, in the course of the Via Augusta, the Roman road that crossed the entire peninsula from the Pyrenees to Gades (Cadiz) and is one of the funerary monuments of the Roman era that still remain most important in the Iberian Peninsula.


The first known name of the area is Ad Turres, which appears in the Vascula Apollinaria and has been identified with some of the Roman villas or postae in the Via Augusta itinerary, at some point between Villena and Font de la Figuera.

see also