
unusual facts about Viaggio in Italia

Enzo Serafin

Enzo Serafin (1912, Venice, Italy - 1995) was an Italian cinematographer, who cooperated with Michelangelo Antonioni (Cronaca di un amore (1950), La signora senza camelie (1953), I vinti (1953)), Roberto Rossellini (Viaggio in Italia (1954)), Ricardo Gascón, Ignacio F. Iquino, Luigi Zampa, Gianni Franciolini, Alfredo Guarini and others.

Roberto Rossellini

Martin Scorsese has also acknowledged Rossellini's seminal influence in his documentary, My Voyage to Italy (the title itself a take on Rossellini's Voyage to Italy).

see also


In the mid-20th century, Roberto Rossellini filmed some of his films here: Paisà (1946); "Il Miracolo" ("The Miracle"), the second episode of the movie L'Amore (Ways of Love, 1948); La macchina ammazzacattivi (Machine to Kill Bad People, 1952); and Il viaggio in Italia (Journey to Italy, 1953).