A Little Vicious is a 1991 American short documentary film directed by Immy Humes about a dog in Connecticut about to be killed for biting people, until animal trainer Vicki Hearne steps in to help.
Adam’s Task: Calling Animals by Name by philosopher, poet, and animal trainer Vicki Hearne describes an innovative and metaphysical approach to training animals.
While in Connecticut, she appeared in the Oscar-nominated short documentary, A Little Vicious.
Vicki Lawrence | Vicki Lewis Thompson | Vicki Baum | Vicki Walker | Vicki Butler-Henderson | Lipman Hearne | Hearne, Texas | Vicki Shiran | Vicki Lewis | Vicki Hearne | Vicki Peterson | Vicki Keith | Vicki Huntington | Vicki Goldberg | Vicki Benckert | Keith Hearne | "Young" Jack Hearne | Vicki Wilson | Vicki Vale | Vicki Truitt | Vicki Peters | Vicki Pepperdine | Vicki Noble | Vicki Nelson-Dunbar | Vicki J. Huddleston | Vicki Iseman | Vicki Gunvalson | Vicki Carpenter | Vicki Bruce | Vicki Blight |