
4 unusual facts about Victor Vasarely

André Bloc

Artists and urbanists such as Jean Dewasne, Etienne Bóthy, Jean Gorin, Félix Del Marle, Edgard Pillet, Victor Vasarely and Nicolas Schöffer were members of the group, which considered architecture, painting, sculpture and art in general as a social phenomenon.

Árpád Bridge

At its Óbuda end is Flórián tér, Szentlélek tér (near the Main Square of Óbuda, the Vasarely and Kassák Museums).

Port Grimaud

The Church of St Francis of Assisi in the main place d'Eglise contains stained glass by Victor Vasarely.

Wendell Lovett

The house not only serves as a residence, but is also designed for display of Simonyi's collection of paintings by Victor Vasarely and Roy Lichtenstein.

Alberto Magnelli

He became a major figure in the post war concrete art movement and influenced artists such as Victor Vasarely, Nicolas de Staël as well as the concrete artists in South America such as Hélio Oiticica.

Georg Klusemann

Impulses from contemporary European Art can be traced to Joan Miró, Victor Vasarely, Giorgio Morandi or Domenico Gnoli, to Surrealism or OpArt.


In 1950, Linien II held Denmark's largest exhibition of Concrete art with wide international participation including works by Wassily Kandinsky, Fernand Léger, Jean Arp, Le Corbusier, Auguste Herbin, Alexander Calder, Victor Vasarely, Alberto Magnelli and Jean Dewasne.

National Gallery of Indonesia

Today the museum kept 1770 artworks by Indonesian and foreign artists, among the most notable are Indonesian artists Raden Saleh, Affandi, Basuki Abdullah, and also some foreign artists such as Wassily Kandinsky, Hans Hartung, Victor Vasarely, Sonia Delaunay, Pierre Soulages, and Zao Wou Ki.

see also