
2 unusual facts about Victor Vroom

Employee motivation

The expectancy theory of motivation was established by Victor Vroom with the belief that motivation is based on the expectation of desired outcomes.

Fred Luthans

A recent quantitative analysis published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Journal on the importance, scientific validity, and practical usefulness of all theories in the field found Luthans’ Organizational Behavior Modification Theory among the eight highest rated (along with those by Kurt Lewin, David McClelland, J. Richard Hackman, Edwin A. Locke, John B. Miner, Victor Vroom, and Bernard Bass).

Carnegie School

Organizations, Administrative Behavior, and A Behavioral Theory of the Firm were three highly influential works done by researchers at the Carnegie School as well as work by Victor Vroom, Oliver E. Williamson and other faculty and graduate students.

see also