
5 unusual facts about Victoriano Huerta

Aureliano Urrutia

(1871 - August 15, 1975), was a physician, and the Minister of Interior under Victoriano Huerta in Mexico.

Edith O'Shaughnessy

A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico covers events in 1913 and 1914, when Madero was overthrown in a violent coup (the "Ten Tragic Days") by Victoriano Huerta on February 13, 1913 and murdered by the new regime.

Edith O'Shaughnessy (January 31, 1876 - February 18, 1939) was a journalist, biographer, film screenwriter and, as the wife of United States Chargé de Affairs in Mexico, Nelson O'Shaughnessy, during the early years of the Mexican Revolution she was both a witness and a participant in Mexican political affairs during the presidency of Francisco I. Madero and Victoriano Huerta.

Victoriano Huerta

He was apprehended aboard his train in Newman, New Mexico, within 25 miles of El Paso, on 27 June 1915 together with Pascual Orozco and charged with conspiracy to violate U.S. neutrality laws.

The character of Agustin Allende in the 2010 video game Red Dead Redemption appears to be based on Huerta.


It was later changed to Comitán de las Flores and, in 1915, to Comitán de Domínguez, after Dr. Belisario Domínguez, who gave a memorable speech in Congress against the dictator Victoriano Huerta for which he was murdered.

División del Norte

After Salas committed suicide following his defeat at the hands of Pascual Orozco at the First Battle of Rellano, the leadership of the division was given to Victoriano Huerta.

Newman, New Mexico

On 27 June 1915 Pascual Orozco and former President of Mexico Victoriano Huerta were arrested at Newman for their plans to foment a revolution in Mexico.

Second Battle of Rellano

The Second Battle of Rellano of 22 May 1912 was an engagement of the Mexican Revolution between rebel forces under Pascual Orozco and government troops under General Victoriano Huerta, at the railroad station of Rellano, Chihuahua.

see also

Gustavo A. Madero

On February 18 the American ambassador Henry Lane Wilson, Victoriano Huerta and Félix Díaz signed an agreement cementing the coup d'état, titled the Pact of the Embassy.