
3 unusual facts about Vijay Prashad

Dalit Voice

A scholar, Vijay Prashad, has written of the links between a group of authors including V.T. Rajshekar, Ivan van Sertima and Runoko Rashidi and writers in the Afrocentric movement.

Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen

According to Vijay Prashad, Director of the International Studies Program at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, the coalition was founded in 1981, as a coalition of the groups fighting against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

Nitasha Sharma

Her writing has received positive response from Asian American Activists and scholars such as Vijay Prashad along with popular culture and American Studies scholar George Lipsitz.

see also

South Asia Faculty Network

One of their key contributors is Vijay Prashad, who attained notoriety for launching a diatribe against Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during his visit to India.Prashad made numerous anti-Semitic canards against Jews and allegations of "Jewish Lobby" conspiracies and "Jews secretly collaborating with Hindu Nationalists" and how "Hindus are becoming like the Jews", evoking anti-Hindu conspiracy canards.