In 1959, the Federation of Film Societies of India was set up at the initiative of Das Gupta, Satyajit Ray, Mrs. Vijaya Mulay, Mrs. Ammu Swaminathan, Robert Hawkins, Diptendu Pramanick, Abul Hassan and A. Roychowdhury.
There were three Vice Presidents (Ammu Swaminathan, Robert E Hawkins & S Gopalan); Joint Secretaries were Vijaya Mulay and Chidananda Dasgupta and the Joint Treasurers were Diptendu Pramanick and Abul Hasan.
Satish Bahadur, born 26 November 1925 at Moradabad, India, died: 23 July 2010 in Pune, India, was Professor of Film Appreciation (1963–83) at the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, India, and a close associate of Marie Seton, Vijaya Mulay and PK Nair.
Vijaya Mehta | Vijaya Vani | Vijaya Mulay | Vijaya Corea | Vijaya | Prince Vijaya | Vijaya Raghava Nayak | Vijaya Bank | Mulay | Vijaya Wimalaratne | Vijaya Rajadhyaksha | Vijaya Raghunatha Raya Tondaiman II | Vijaya (disambiguation) | Vijaya College, Bangalore | Vijaya College | K. R. Vijaya | HMCyS Vijaya |