Flesh (Vince Murdocco) is kidnapped by cheerleaders from a world known only as The Strange Planet, after the men on their planet are rendered impotent thanks to the villain known only as the Evil Presence (William Dennis Hunt).
Vince Gill | Vince Lombardi | Vince McMahon | Vince Vaughn | Vince Russo | Vince Neil | Vince Young | Vince Cable | Vince Foster | Vince Beiser | Vince Aletti | Vince Papale | Vince Locke | Vince Ferragamo | Vince Dooley | Vince Colosimo | Vince Karalius | Vince Hizon | Vince Hill | Vince DiCola | Vince Coleman | Vince Bevan | Vince Alascia | Dale Vince | Vince Sorrenti | Vince Murdocco | Vince Edwards | Vince Colletta | Vince Carducci | Vince Callahan |