
4 unusual facts about Vix Grave

La Garenne

a lieu-dit part of the Vix Grave, a place around the village of Vix in northern Burgundy, France

Vix Grave

The area around the village of Vix in northern Burgundy, France is the site of an important prehistoric complex from the Celtic Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène periods, comprising an important fortified settlement and several burial mounds.

A reconstruction of the grave and the original finds are on display in the museum at Châtillon-sur-Seine.

Several so-called Fürstensitze (a German term describing such sites, literally "princely seats") are known from Late Hallstatt and Early La Tène Europe, for example, the burials at Hochdorf and Magdalenenberg, the Heuneburg settlement and the Glauberg settlement and burial complex.

see also