
unusual facts about mass grave

Mass grave

Mass or communal burial was a common practice before the development of a dependable crematory chamber by an Italian named Brunetti in 1873.

La Macarena, Meta

In January 2010, El Nuevo Herald reported that local villagers had announced the discovery of a mass grave allegedly containing almost 2,000 unidentified corpses in the La Macarena cemetery, apparently containing bodies that had been taken there by the Colombian Army and presented as guerrilla combat casualties.

Nahalat Yitzhak Cemetery

The Committee for the Organization of Ex-Citizens of Podwolocyska established this memorial, which incorporates blood-soaked earth gathered from the mass grave in that shtetl.

see also

Hadassah medical convoy massacre

Going in search of the missing bodies, in 1993 he met an Arab who had participated in the ambush, who claimed that the attackers had buried stray body parts in a mass grave near the Lions' Gate.


There is a mass grave of 42 officers and men of the submarine HMS L55, recovered from the Baltic Sea and repatriated in 1927, their names on a screen wall memorial.

Irish Commemorative Stone

During the mid-19th century, workers constructing the Victoria Bridge across the St. Lawrence River discovered a mass grave in Windmill Point where victims of typhus epidemic of 1847 had been quarantined in fever sheds.

Mass graves in Chechnya

March 3, 2002: ABC reported that the Chechen rebels said they found a mass grave containing more than 20 bodies of civilians in a grain silo in the town of Argun, of whom they recovered three.

According to eyewitnesses, they decided to go public about the mass grave only after an official investigation of the mass grave in Grozny began in June, the wounded were finished-off by sniper and the bodies were then collected by the military and buried together with their smashed vehicles in an enormous pit on the territory of an asphalt factory.

Villeneuve-Loubet mass grave

Villeneuve-Loubet mass grave is a grave site near the village of Villeneuve-Loubet, near Nice, in the Maritime Alps region of southern France.