
unusual facts about Vladimir Shainsky

Gena the Crocodile

This song, written by Vladimir Shainsky, has since become known as "Noel the Crocodile's Song".

Emil Gorovets

Horowitz was a performer renowned for several hits, including "Королева красоты" (meaning Beauty Queen) from Arno Babajanian, "Дрозды" by Vladimir Shainsky, "Голубые города" (meaning Blue city) and "Я шагаю по Москве" (meaning I walk around Moscow) both by Andrey Petrov, "I Walk around Moscow" became the soundtrack of a famous film that came out after release of the single.

Mikhail Tanich

He has also co-authored with many Soviet composers such as Yuri Saulsky, Arkady Ostrovsky, Vadim Gamaliya, Oscar Feltsman, Nikita Bogoslovsky, Vladimir Shainsky.

see also