
3 unusual facts about Voter Education Project

Voter Education Project

To raise, administer, and distribute the money, the NAACP, CORE, SCLC, and SNCC formed the Voter Education Project (VEP) under the auspices of the non-profit Southern Regional Council (SRC).

The VEP continued funding voter registration, education, and research efforts in the South until 1968 under subsequent directors Randolph Blackwell, Vernon Jordan, John Lewis and Ed Brown.

The worldwide news stories, photos, and TV images of racist brutality, burning buses, and police suppression of Black civil rights undercut the State Department's effort to convince Asian and African nations to align themselves with Free World camp in international affairs.

Council of Federated Organizations

The Atlanta-based, Southern Regional Council found this new aggression helpful in creating the Voter Education Project (VEP.) VEP would fund registration activities under the supervision of the Justice Department throughout the south.

see also

Jack Minnis

Minnis had been hired by the Southern Regional Council to evaluate their Voter Education Project, which included voter registration efforts in the South in 1962.