His enemies include the Joker's hyenas Bud and Lou, the Penguin's trained birds (Artie the Puffin, Griff the Vulture, and Waddles the Penguin), and Catwoman's pet cat Isis (who flirts with Ace much like Catwoman flirts with Batman).
Hawks, turkey vultures and black vultures can also be seen soaring over the park from Hawk Point.
This form of Sky burial, still practiced, begins with a ritual dissection of the deceased, and then followed by the feeding of the parts to Vultures on the hill tops.
At one time it was believed to be closer to the White-backed Vulture of Africa and was known as the Oriental White-backed Vulture.
The White-rumped Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) is an Old World vulture closely related to the European Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus).
When feeding at carcasses they are dominated over by Red-headed Vultures Sarcogyps calvus.
Solitary nests are never used regularly and are sometimes taken over by the Red-headed Vulture and large owls such as Bubo coromandus.
Egyptian Vulture | Griffon Vulture | Vulture | Himalayan Vulture | Turkey Vulture | Rolls-Royce Vulture | Old World vulture | New World vulture | griffon vulture | Cinereous Vulture | White-backed Vulture | vulture | Slender-billed Vulture | White-rumped Vulture | Vulture Glacier (Azeroth) | turkey vulture | Rionero in Vulture | Lappet-faced Vulture | Griffon vulture |
The Four Heavenly Kings(2) having placed a guard over the four quarters, with a large army of Yakkhas, of Gandhabbas, of Kumbhandas, of Nagas; having placed troops; having placed a barricade of soldiers on four sides, came to the presence of the Blessed One, when the night was far advanced, illuminating the entire Vulture's Peak with their surpassing radiance, saluted the Blessed One and sat on one side.
Commodore Sir George Collier had previously dispatched the HMS Vulture into the Bay of Fundy on rumors of privateering activity there, so he ordered the HMS Hope to locate the Vulture so that she could assist.
The lowveld woodlands harbour purple-crested lourie, emerald cuckoo, red-backed mannikin, golden-tailed woodpecker, gorgeous bushshrike, white-faced owl and a number of raptors like white-backed vulture, gymnogene, black-chested snake eagle, Wahlberg's eagle and long-crested Eagle.
The programming on Creature Features featured science fiction and horror film; everything from the classics, such as Bride of Frankenstein to turgid turkeys like The Vulture.
La Buitrera means, roughly, "the vulture-roost"; the genus Buitreraptor, a small bird-like dinosaur that must have been a predator of small vertebrates and possibly a scavenger was named after this.
The airport has been a base for the following aircraft: Messerschmitt Bf 109, Ilyushin Il-2 šturmovik, P-47 Thunderbolt, F-84G Thunderjet, J-20 Kraguj, vulture J-21 Jastreb J-22 Orao.
The region is also rich in bird life, including the near-endemic Stierling's Woodpecker as well as other species like vultures, fish eagle, kingfisher, yellow billed stork and plover.
A large number of exogamous groups are also returned, either of titular or totemistic nature: such as ‘Baghmare’ or Vaghmare, tiger-slayer; ‘Godhve, a vulture; and ‘Kolhe’ or Jackal.
In 1880 he worked on the insect fauna of the then unexplored regions of Vulture and Pollino in southern Italy.Many specialists worked on the insects collected (now in La Specola) and the results were published as Narrazione della escursione fatta alVulture ed al Pollino nel luglio del 1880 da A. Biondi, C. Caroti e G. Cavanna, pp. 3-30.
The Indian Vulture and the White-rumped Vulture, G. bengalensis species have suffered a 99%–97% population decrease in Pakistan and India and between 2000-2007 annual decline rates of this species and the Slender-billed Vulture averaged over 16%.
Dannaldson’s most primitive adventure occurred on Marajó Island, at the mouth of the Amazon, where the movie company spent four weeks, ran out of imported food and had to subsist for five days on moldy doughnuts filled with small worms and on chickens which, Dannaldson said, seemed to be 90 per cent vulture.
H.R. Pufnstuf - Voices of H.R. Pufnstuf, Bela Lugosi Tree, Dr. Blinky's Talking Book, Orson Vulture, Polka Dotted Horse, Stupid Bat, Pop Lolly, West Wind
The Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture was first described in 1845 by John Cassin.
The Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture will no longer feed on a piece of carrion once the meat is in a state of extreme decay, as it becomes contaminated with microbial toxins.
Alan Gardiner identified the vulture that was used in divine iconography as a griffon vulture.
The Palm-nut Vulture (Gypohierax angolensis) or Vulturine Fish Eagle, is a very large bird of prey in the family Accipitridae which also includes many other diurnal raptors such as kites, buzzards and harriers, vultures, and eagles.
In August 1940 Ernest Hives, head of the Rolls-Royce aero engine division, wrote to Air Chief Marshal Wilfrid Freeman expressing his wish to stop work on the Peregrine, Vulture and another engine development project, the Rolls-Royce Exe to concentrate efforts on the Merlin and Griffon, but Freeman disagreed and stated that Peregrine production should continue.
One photographer, Kevin Carter, who snapped a picture of a starving child with a vulture waiting in the background — committed suicide.
In response to his request, the Buddha gave the first Kalachakra tantra initiation and teachings at Amaravati, a small town in Andhra Pradesh in southeastern India, supposedly emanating at the same time he was also delivering the Prajna Paramita sutras at Vulture Peak Mountain at Rajgir in North India.
Brain Damage Films specializes mostly in distributing low-budget independent horror films like Vulture's Eye, Strange Things Happen at Sundown, and Terror Toons.
The cover of the album pictures an Ouroboros, with a vulture's head instead of a serpent, which was made to symbolise greed.
The plan was created for the five Polish submarines Orzeł (Eagle), Wilk (Wolf), Sęp (Vulture), Żbik (Wild Cat) and Ryś (Lynx) to use, in the event superior enemy surface forces took control of the Baltic Sea (the Polish surface navy consisted only of four destroyers and some minelayers).