
3 unusual facts about Vytautas


Vytautas, the later Grand Duke of Lithuania, was baptized in Tapiau in 1385.


They formulated the Treaty of Dubysa, by which Jogaila promised to accept Christianity, become an ally of the Order, and give the Order some territory of Samogitia up to the Dubysa River.

A major stand-off between the two armies ended without a battle in the Treaty of Ugra, by which Velikiy Novgorod was granted to Jogaila's brother Simeon Lingwen, and the important city of Pskov to Jogaila's envoy Jerzy Nos, the latter settlement a clear violation of the treaty of Raciąż.

Anna, Grand Duchess of Lithuania

Polish historian Jan Tęgowski disagreed with Jonynas and argued that both Sudimantas and Lev of Drutsk (who is also mentioned as Vytautas' swoger) were married to sisters of Vytautas's first wife, Princess Maria of Lukoml.

Battle of the Vorskla River

Inspired by their successes, Vytautas declared a "Crusade against the Tatars" and in May 1399 received blessing from Pope Boniface IX.

Jakub Kobylański

In 1428 Kobylański led the Polish mercenary troops which served under Grand Duke Vytautas and took part in the fighting between the Grand Duke and Veliky Novgorod.

Jonas Žemaitis

Jonas Žemaitis (also known under his codename Vytautas; March 15, 1909 in Palanga – November 26, 1954 in Moscow) was one of the leaders of armed resistance against the Soviet occupation in Lithuania and acknowledged as the Head of State of contemporary occupied Lithuania.

Vytautas Pociūnas

On August 17, 2007 the Prime Minister Gediminas Kirkilas formed special work group to investigate the death circumstances repeatedly, which consisted of: Vytautas Ališauskas, Petras Vaitiekūnas, Povilas Malakauskas, Vytautas Landsbergis, Aloyzas Sakalas, Justinas Karosas, Jonas Kronkaitis, and Jurgis Jurgelis.

see also