
4 unusual facts about W. Daniel Hillis

W. Daniel Hillis

At Thinking Machines Corporation, Hillis built a technical team with many people that would later become leaders in science and industry including Brewster Kahle, Guy Steele, Sydney Brenner, David Waltz, Jack Schwartz, and Eric Lander.

This clock became the Clock of the Long Now, a name invented by the songwriter and composer, Brian Eno.

Hillis left Disney in 2000, taking with him Bran Ferren, President of the Walt Disney Imagineering, R&D Creative Technologies division.

In 1985, continuing this research, Hillis received a PhD in EECS from MIT under doctoral advisers Gerald Jay Sussman, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon.

January 07003: Bell Studies for the Clock of the Long Now

One of their projects involves the construction of a clock, designed by W. Daniel Hillis, intended to keep time for 10,000 years.

see also